This website is owned, designed and maintained by Anthony Green for the benefit of the Society. It’s purpose is to carry
information about the Society and it’s activities.
The website name www.redditchhistorysociety.org.uk is registered to Anthony Green who has ‘donated’ it to the Society
on the basis that if he is unable to continue to maintain the website, they may be transferred to another member.
The Society logos (left) were designed by
Anthony Green for use by the Society.
They are copyright Anthony Green and
cannot be used without permission.
All written information relating to the Society on this site is the copyright of the Society.
We do not take any responsibility if problems are encountered with regard to any of the links provided on the links page.
Any original photographs on this site are by Anthony Green and are his copyright.
This is the only site owned and maintained by Anthony Green for the benefit of the Society.
No other site owned and maintained by Anthony Green either for his own work or for any other organisation has any
connection to the Society.
The data collected for the Society will only be used for your membership administration and for distributing news and
information related to the Society. We will not share your Personal Data with third parties without having obtained your
permission and you can request, obtain or remove details of the Personal Data we may hold about you by contacting an
officer of the Society.
Promoting the history of the area since 2009